
Here at Cornerstone we believe that young people can make wise decisions if they are forearmed with information.

We therefore go into schools and youth groups to help educate young people about building healthy relationships, the consequences of teen sex and fetal development. We often visit schools on a regular basis but we can also do one-off workshops.

These sessions involve talking to and interacting with the students about aspects of a loving relationship and how that can affect self esteem and self worth. These are usually fun and informative sessions that the students look forward to. The students are often surprised by what they learn about each other. Discussions help to dismantle peer pressure and encourage individual thought and response.

We have small group discussions and look at the options available to teenagers who may be faced with an unplanned pregnancy. These discussions are very much aimed at the young people having their say with us facilitating the conversation and being there to answer any questions that may arise.

We also play a game which looks at fetal development during the 40 weeks of pregnancy. In playing this game students are educated in the development of a fetus and the stages of pregnancy. We have found that they are often unaware of these facts before hand.

We finish with a short talk on what Cornerstone Pregnancy Crisis Centre is and what we can offer to support people in pregnancy crisis or post abortion situations.